October 8, 2020

The Need for Intelligent Factsheets: Why and How We Built fs?

Company Updates

At Fintuple, we were very clear from Day 1 about the long-term vision for the brand - To provide data in the most comprehensive and easy to consume form possible, to all the stakeholders in the ecosystem.After we built out our first product – iQ, a data aggregation cum research platform on India based alternate funds (know more), we wanted to solve the next biggest problem in this space, which we identified as Factsheets. To put it simply, a Factsheet is a Report that an AMC creates which consists of the performance details of PMS Strategies, sent to the investors.When it comes to Factsheets, each and every AMC has its own ways and means of providing it. Some AMCs give it month on month, while others do it only on a quarterly or bi-annual or annual basis. Some AMCs release a simple, 1-page Factsheet with too little information while someone else gives out a 27-page detailed one with information that is hard to comprehend.This was very bizarre. We wanted to bring in a standard in this deranged system of operations - THE FINTUPLE STANDARD. That is when we started developing our next product - fs. The idea behind fs was to build a platform to get access to Standard Factsheets across PMS Strategies of all AMCs. And more importantly, these Factsheets consist only of information that is most essential and relevant to the stakeholders involved (know more).For all the PMS Strategies that are on our platform, we have two different types of Factsheets - one is the AMC Produced Factsheet and the other is the Fintuple Standard Factsheet. The Fintuple Standard Factsheet, contains only the key details about the Fund’s performance over the month along with other information about the PMS strategy like the Investment Philosophy, Fund Manager details etc.,Fintuple fs also acts as a depository of documents such as the Marketing Presentations, Brochures, etc. related to a PMS Strategy. Essentially, a Financial Advisor, Wealth manager or a Distributor coming into the Fintuple fs platform can get access to all types of information and documents of a PMS Strategy in one place which helps them to easily analyze and compare between different Strategies and take an informed decision.At Fintuple, we continuously strive to evolve in order to enhance and simplify our products, and the overall experience for all the stakeholders involved; right from the AMC till the end investor. As the next endeavour for Fintuple fs, we began to work closely with the AMCs to understand their needs and requirements in order to create a customised Factsheet solution for their PMS Strategies. The need for this, as we reiterate, is to bring in a standard in Factsheet production, deployment and usage. Through the fs solution, Factsheets can be created seamlessly with a section/feature drag and drop functionality. Thus, making it easier for the AMCs to design and generate their Factsheet in a matter of minutes.More on how we are solving this problem for a couple of our partner AMCs in the next blog.
